Discover the Heart Rending Story

Seventeen-year-old Julius Monroe hates his life. He hides the truth of his father’s abuse with careful lies and a kick-ass jacket that keeps everyone at bay. But Julius’ careful facade crumbles after a run-in with the school administration puts him on a collision course with his best friend’s sister and her jealous boyfriend.

But escaping the school bully and his father’s abuse isn’t his only worry. The worst monster is Lela, whose manipulations threaten to expose every secret that Julius is so desperate to hide.

When his worlds collide, Julius must make a choice. Live with the monsters he knows, or take a chance on being free.

Welcome to my Mind

Autistic. Abuse Survivor. Husband. Father. Caffeine addict. Gamer.

M. Andrew Patterson

Andrew had an epiphany about becoming a writer as he tapped away on his step-father’s ancient Apple IIe. But, three decades later, that story is still waiting for its grand finale. He keeps telling himself he’ll get to it… right after the other four hundred stories dancing around in his noggin.

Books and Stories

Hate Jacket

I find the scariest monsters are human. Everything else is make believe.

M. Andrew Patterson